COVID-19 Guidelines for HOPOS 2022

Please Note: The following guidelines are subject to change based on new information and federal, state, and university updates.

We request that all HOPOS 2022 conference participants abide by the following guidelines based on current CDC and University of California, Irvine policies (as of 15 June 2022).

  • We strongly recommend that participants wear face coverings when indoors regardless of vaccination status.  Face coverings may be removed when outdoors.

  • We strongly recommend that participants receive full vaccination, including booster shots as applicable.

  • We request that those who are not fully vaccinated test negative for coronavirus within 48 hours prior to arriving at the conference.

  • If experiencing symptoms of respiratory illness (including but not limited to fever, cough, and shortness of breath) prior to traveling, we request that you stay home.

  • If your temperature exceeds 99 degrees F, as measured by a standard household thermometer, you may not enter any University of California, Irvine facilities.

  • If you develop symptoms of respiratory illness or learn of a recent high-risk exposure to someone with confirmed COVID-19, we request that you self-isolate in your hotel room and get tested as soon as possible.  In the event that you test positive, we request that you report your results to as soon as possible (relevant decontamination, containment, and contact tracing will be carried out by the University).

  • If you are not fully vaccinated and learn of a recent high-risk exposure to someone with confirmed COVID-19 or COVID-19 symptoms, you may not enter any University of California, Irvine facilities.

  • We request that you remember to wash your hands after eating, dispose of food safely, and cover your mouth when sneezing, coughing, etc.

Please note that if you are traveling to the conference from abroad, the United States government has COVID-specific government regulations on such travel.  To ensure that you are in compliance with such regulations, please check with your airline and consult the US Center  for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines linked below.

Local Testing Locations:

Several medical centers close to the Ayers Hotel offer COVID-19 testing, including OC Rapid Test and All In One Health (free).

Other free testing locations can be found here; use 92617 as the zip code.

Other locations within Irvine can be found here.

LAX offers two onsite testing locations.  Please note that these tests are quite expensive.

SNA offers one onsite testing location.  Please note that these tests are quite expensive.

COVID-19 Resources:

UC Irvine Visitor Guidance

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